With the project titled Development of Slovene in a Digital Environment (DSDE), which is financed by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, and the European Regional Development Fund, Slovenia has recognized the importance of developing modern language technologies for the Slovene language.

Project goal
The project strives to meet the needs for computational tools and services in the field of language technologies for Slovene, which will be used by research organizations, companies, and the general public.

Development of language technologies
The development of language technologies is crucial for language survival in the digital age; these tools are the only way to keep participating in the new ways of communication, work and leisure that will be available in the future.

Open access
All programming code and databases produced for this project will be publicly available under an open license. All applications (speech recognition, transcription, machine translation, terminology extraction, and a terminology portal) will be made available on the public DSDE portal, where anyone will be able to try and use them.
The project Development of Slovene in a Digital Environment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The operation is carried out in the framework of the Operational Program for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020.

Work packages
The project strives to meet the needs for computational tools and services in the field of language technologies for Slovene, which will be used by research organizations, companies, and the general public.
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